Eyelash extensions by Monika

The beauty of full lashes can easily be yours. Eyelash Extensions by Monika. Monika is a licensed Esthetician and beauty specialist. She has been doing lashes for 10 years and has some high profile clientele. Monika s passion for beauty care is Result Oriented . Her lashes are of the highest quality and the attachment method she uses is non toxic and safe for even the most sensitive eyes. You wont even feel or notice them and no more mascara Call DreamSkin Spa at 310-923-2007 to schedule an appointment with her TODAY Monika is also an experienced Skin Care Expert. She specializes in advanced Skin Care Technologies and in the latest cosmeceuticals to address Anti-Aging Skin and problematic Acne Skin. Whether it be Adult onset Acne or Teenage Acne or various skin care conditions caused by the aging process Monika will help you achieve the skin you desire.



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