Homebrew for the Homeless 2016

Fun for the whole family at the 20165 Homebrew for the Homeless party at the DDRC (Leigh Wayne Miller s ranch) in Minden NV. Live music Homebrew Beer Competition Chili-Cook Off face painting horseback rides for the kids lawn games bounce house and more Food and drink provided. CHILDREN two and under enter for free Suggested donation is 12 for general entry which includes all activities and live music. Food and non-alcoholic beverages provided. 20 day of the party. Poker run donation is 35 (includes general entry). MUST BE 21 to register for this event. When you taste any of the homebrewed beer provided you will receive cards from each home brewer for a hand of poker -- best hand of the day wins a prize 50 on the day of the event. HORSEBACK RIDES 4-6PM CHILI TASTING 4-6PM BEER TASTING 4-6PM WINNERS ANNOUNCED AT 7PM SILENT AUCTION MUST BE 21 to participate in poker run ...



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