The 800th Annual Salvation Swing-Off - Fringe Edition Benefit Pe

To break up the monotony in Purgatory s laundromat souls rivals for immediate rapture in a good old-fashioned dance-a-thon. Swing and red tape plus the proverbial deal with the not-so proverbial Devil All in an eternity s work. STARRING (in order of appearance) HeatherJane Farr Alyssa Stowe Loryn Jonelis Morganna Grim Stacey Garbarski Dunes Wendy Prosise Anthony Cary Emma Ruby Roberts Mitch Taylor Lacey Smithmier With John Siewert (stage manager) Jessica Jane Witham (choreographer) Taylor Kokinos (lighting design) Lindsey Hoel-Neds (costume design) Katie Rattigan (East Coast props design) Viktor Petterson (set sound and Midwest props design producer) and Heather Renken (BST s artistic director and our appointed company representative) Broom Street Theater s January 2016 production of The 800th Annual Salvation Swing-Off has been accepted to the 2016 New York International Fringe Festival We are hosting a 2 weekend Madison run to benefit our travel to New York City ...



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