Houses at sale with oceanview for 1799900 Pesos Gardenhaus

Garden Haus Two or three BD Homes and Condominiums two car garage swimming pool garden areas barbeque pit and contemporary designs. Roof Garden with panoramic view from every condo gated community 24 7 Security Guard Fitness Center pets allowed. We have Homes from 109 900.00 Dollars1 500 Sq. Feet approximately. And Condominiums from 91 000.00 Dollars.1 000 Sq. Feet approximately. Living room dining room kitchen with granite finishing chocolate Brown Wood cabinets laundry room with economic water heater one and baths 2 or 3 bedrooms with Brown wood closets. Financing available in pesos trough bank institutions. WE INVITE YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY Prices subject to change If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call us. garden haus



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