Penthouse 12 Hotel ocean dream Km9.5 boulevard kukulkan Zona Hotelera Newly renovated 3 bedrooms ensuite 2 level gorgeous beachfront penthouse 2100 square feet ocean view and laguna view.The penthouse comes with 4 balconies blind shutters full equipped kitchen with 5burners stove big oven big double door fridge dishwasher microwave large oven coffee maker washer & dryer machine.The living room faces the ocean with sofa & a dinning table for 8There are televisions & DVD players in each room.Living room has a 50 TV & DVD with a big couch.Master bedroom ensuite with the ocean view has a 42 TV and DVD with kingsize bed and bathtub looking at the ocean The second bedroom ensuite has the lagoon view & hotel zone has a 40 inch TV & DVD with 2 doublebeds(sleeps 4)The third bedroom ensuite has a kingsize bed and big balcony. Each room has a big balcony with chairs and beautiful water view.



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