EandS Academy is offering phlebotomy classes for a great price.

Phlebotomy Technician Program Duties of Phlebotomy Technician.Phlebotomist helps the doctors and nurses by drawing blood from the patients for their body checkups. As a Phlebotomy Technician you are considered as the expert who is in charge of analyzing patient s blood.Phlebotomy Course Teaches Gain experience and knowledge about the human anatomy micro-sampling safety and health regulations and techniques to draw blood from patient without hurting them. Phlebotomy Technician Class last for 4 weeks which approximates to 100 hours of training. For more details contact us at 1-844-372-2233 Campus Locations North E & S Academy Campus 40 Parker Road Elizabeth New Jersey 07208 Phone 908-866-6662 Central E & S Academy Campus 2325 Plainfield Avenue South Plainfield New Jersey 07080 Phone 908-603-1333South E & S Academy Campus684 Whitehead Road Lawrenceville New Jersey 08648Phone 609-227-4488 Schedule a Campus Visit s esacademy-usa.com scheduletour Quick Links to get you Started Phebotomy class s esacademy-usa.com phlebotomy Online Registration s esacademy-usa.com program-registration Facebook s www.facebook.com EandSacademyTwitter s twitter.com EandSacademy



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