
Online Auction for Commercial Surplus Powered by - Auction Ends 4 26 19 - To view auction details go to s index.cfm fa Main.Item& itemID 33& acctid 12955 This offered lot of original artwork was recently hanging on the walls at a Fortune Global 500 company in Philadelphia PA. Lot contains works created by many different artists using various media including Woodcut Prints Oil on Canvas Lithographs Photographs Mixed Media Colored Pencil Charcoal etc. Most of the works are matted and framed. Seller has provided the information that was available on each individual piece and this has been provided in the lot manifest. Some art is not reflected in the manifest these pieces were not included in the original appraisal. Buyer is responsible for all packaging shipping. NOT to include commercial bins as shown in Powered by GovDeals is the online platform where you can bid on commercial auctions and buy commercial assets. PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION



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