HUGE FIVE FAMILY SALE &ndash Friday and Saturday 9--2

72 River Road Durango Florida Rd to Cty Rd 248 follow signs.Our garage is overflowing with bargains.Over 500 vinyl lp s all genres from a private collectionCamping supplies coffeepots lights tent coolers chair etc.Propane tanks welding tanks torchesSeveral beautiful fursElectronic stuff and a 3-speed phonographSears wood chipper old Murray bicycle old style tvMore than 200 books of all kinds also cd s dvd s and vhs moviesFabric yarns crafts items notionsCollection of d cor bird houses must see King headboard medicine cabinetTools & miscellaneous hardwareMen s shirts and sweaters down vestsSmall appliances microwave many kitchen itemsBrewing jugs 2 large sizesTrinkets knickknacks throws pictures all sorts of miscellaneous goodies



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