Come one Come all To the Inaugural LANGLEY SWAP MEET held every Sunday from 9am-4pm at the Langley Seniors Resource Society (20605 51B Ave Langley BC V3A 9H1). Some of the best Crafters and Vendors in the area will be in attendance displaying their fabulous wares for sale. Also be sure to relax at our in-house concession area where you can take a load off and treat yourself and the whole family to the tasty fare we offer. Ample parking is available entrance fee is 2.00 per Adult - Teens 1.00 - Children free.EMAIL US NOW AT LANGLEYSWAPMEET(at)GMAIL.COM OR CALL US (at) 778.955.6991 OR 604.499.2686 s LangleySwapMeet s langleyswapmeet



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