Seeking someone real

Hi there Let see how it works here. I m 35 yrs old lives in Pendleton Oregon and i am asian. I know how to takecare myself and my surrounding in terms of cleanliness and take a shower I like things to be clean organize and tidy if possible. Very responsible loyal sincere sweet thoughtful loving caring family oriented and have a sense of humor that is very fun to be around. I have one son that is 12 yrs old and he is such a well behaved kid that i can be proud of I am looking for someone that is real Knows what he wants and looking for a committed relationship. Doesn t smoke or chew not alcoholic and not into any drugs. Age range 35-45 I know i m not from this area but distance doesn t bother me at all cause I am willing to relocate for the right person. Communication is very important to me which that s how you found out if you can build a strong connection and chemistry. Message me with a DECENT ATTACH PHOTOS PLS To be fair enough if your interested. So let s give it a try



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