Love What You Do in Phlebotomy &ndash E and S Academy

Love What You Do in Phlebotomy E & S AcademyYou will love what you do with our Phlebotomy Technician class. E& S Academy fosters an excellent team of experienced staff and faculty that offers regular mentoring as well as tutoring throughout the course.The course is only 4-weeks. Our certified phlebotomy technician training program will help you gain real-life exposure with phlebotomists and lead placements. Accredited by the state Board of education as well as Board of Health in New Jersey we promise a 97 percent success rate for phlebotomists amongst the highest in the country.For more information on our Phlebotomy Technician course register online with us today or call us at 844-372-2233Register online s program-registration E & S AcademyYour Path to a Better Follow us for up to date news Facebook s EandSacademy Twitter s eandsacademyYoutube s user sammorocco videos



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