
67 year old man 5 9 175 pounds in good health and physical condition that can satisfy his partners physical needs loves the mountains in the summer to go white water rafting and in the fall to see the leaves change color. I also love the beach. To get up early and go for a walk with my companion then play in the ocean and on the beach. After a light lunch back to the room for a little rest for the evening activities that start with a good seafood dinner followed by a live show then off to a local club to shag dance untill you drop. I an looking for a legal or illegal Mexican woman between the ages of 40 to 45 slinder built 115 to 125 pounds 5 4 to 5 7 tall I do not like large brest waist or hips long black hair a must no children no body art does not smoke drink or do drugs must speak some English Pictures required must be attractive and well groomed and will move to North Carolina. Iwill pick you up If interestested Text me at 910 568-6612 send pictiures to e-mail doodles1991(at)



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