Round Top may be over but we are just getting started Primitive

Last week we were packed with treasures and this week will be no different Saturday April 13th at Magnolia Gardens Auction House Round Tops finest at Magnolia Gardens Auction House if you missed out no worries we have it all here Saturday April 13th......New reclaimed furniture a fabulous brown leather sofa love seat and chair vintage patio glider farmhouse market smalls Jeep Collins jewelry mid century modern furniture primitive highboys antique doll buggy stainless steel side by side refrigerator 1800 s antique baby carriage stained glass and this is just the beginning Our doors open on Saturday at 5pm for previewing the floor and this fabulous sale will start at 7pm. You may reserve seats by calling 281-516-7251 713-363-4855 or use the save me a seat link on our Facebook page. Visit us at www.magnoliagardensauctionhouse.comTina Murphy 16380Items Sold As Is16% Buyers PremiumCash Check and Credit Card AcceptedOpen to the PublicDealers Welcome



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