Dunes Plaza-Next to CVS Drugstore-Retail pace For Lease-Myrtle B

GENERAL SITE INFORMATION Located in the Dunes Plaza at Signalized Intersection of Hwy 17 (at) 67th Avenue North Located on the West Side of Highway 17 Business in Myrtle Beach S.C. Median Break Allows Easy Access for Both North & Southbound Traffic Cross Easement Parking for the center including the CVS DrugstoreAverage Daily Traffic Count-26 700 (Source SCDOT 2014)Identified as TMS 174-03-02-004 County of Horry SC.LEASE INFORMATION Space E End CapApproximately 3 060 SF10 Offices Conference Room StorageFormer Restaurant Impact Fees PaidFramed for Ventilation Hood2 ADA Bathrooms 12 Foot CeilingsPossible Drive Thru



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