Sales Representative - SD FAIR (Del Mar Fairgrounds)

Organic Tea Company is looking for sales and marketing minded individuals who can take the brand to the next level. This is a rapidly growing company with GREAT opportunities for hard-working resourceful hands-on employees. We are looking for road warriors and Sales Representatives to promote our brand and tea products at our booths. Current summer gig offered June 3 - July 4th 2016 - San Diego Fairgrounds Del Mar July 15 - Aug 14th 2016 - Orange County Fairgrounds Costa Mesa Ability to work long hours including nights and weekends. Must be able to work a flexible 5-day workweek usually Wednesday-Sunday for the entire summer (4-5 weeks). Ability to lift 10 pounds at a time. Good driving record and daily access to a vehicle. A people person Workers will be interacting with many of our consumers every day. RELIABLE ENTHUSIASTIC ENERGETIC AND WILLINGNESS TO WORK HARD. You will be drinking TEA on the job Please respond to this listing with your e-mail address or call and we will get back to you with additional steps to apply. Expect to provide resume or work experience as well as a follow-up for a Skype or facetime introduction.



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