i am looking for a free small breed puppy under 3 months old

hi i am looking for a small breed puppy for a life long companion . my husband works 3rd shift and i work 2nd i am a animal lover of all animals . i currently have one cat that i raised from 6weeks old and is now 4yrs old and love him to death.i would love to find a puppy to cuddle with at night while hubby at work and a friend for my cat that still very active and is used to being around dogs and puppies. my cat is declawed and loves to play.i keep shots up to date and health checks reg on any animal i have i own my home and have a small back yard for small dog to run in while i am outside with him or her. i dont have enough room for a large breed which a teacup or toy or small breed would be better and happier at my place.. there is always someone at home to have time for a puppy i choose in my forever home.. my husband also loves animals and they are crazy about him i have no children at home so all my home time will be with my pet. only time i would be without my puppy is when i would be at work which my husband would be home to care for him or her. i dont have a lot of money but i would have no problem giving my puppy everything he or she needs to be happy and healthy so i am looking for a puppy that is free to good and loving home that would very much take good care of him or her. i would even take and send pic of my baby to show you how much he or she has grown and how happy and healthy she or he looks every month if ya like. anyone have any puppies avaialble please contact me via email at sherryfrum(at)yahoo.com thanks a bunch for reading and hope to hear from someone that has small breed puppies soon. also i am located in akron ohio would like to find a puppy no more than 30 min from where i am driving. to. thanks again.



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