Math Tutor - Columbia University Graduate - Experienced

I am an experienced mathematics instructor & tutor. I graduated from Columbia University School of Engineering & Applied Science with a B.S. in Engineering. I also hold an M.B.A in Finance from NYU Stern. My math SAT score was 760 800. At Columbia I took many advanced courses in Mathematics. More info at am available for Mathematics instruction in the following subjects Advanced Mathematics SAT GMAT GRE etc. Algebra Geometry Trigonometry Calculus and Mathematical Analysis. I also teach advanced mathematics in preparation for competitions. I can also help with homework assignments and projects. I can work in Orlando Dr. Phillips Windermere Kissimmee Winter Park etc.. I am a patient and can help you improve significantly.If you want to improve your math score please schedule an appointment. My phone number is 917-727-0775. More info at offered Math Tutor Math Instruction Advanced Mathematics Preparation.



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