CASH BUYER for Multi-Family Triplex and Quad (Investment Opportu

Excellent (Off Market) Investment Opportunity for 2 properties (Triplex and Quad) on 1.5 Acres of Land in Fayetteville NC.LOOKING FOR A CASH BUYER FOR 2 Multifamily (Triplex and Quad) SELLING together located on 1.5 Acres in Fayetteville NC There is a 20K grant from the Fayetteville Economic and Community Developement for Rehab (Repairs)1st Property (Quad) - For Sale 439 Cedric St Fayetteville NC 28303 4 Units 1 Bed 1 Bath per unit Each Unit 480 sqft Total of 1920 sqft. Each Unit Can Rent 350 Mo. Income Cash Flow (Gross) Monthly 1 400 Income Cash Flow (Gross). Repairs Total interior rehab needed some outside rehab needed. ARV - 200K2nd Property (Triplex) - For Sale 415 Cedric St Fayetteville NC 28303 3 Units 1 Bed 1 Bath per unit Each Unit 500 sqft. Each Unit Can Rent 350 Mo. Income Cash Flow (Gross) Monthly 1 050 Income Cash Flow (Gross). Repairs Total interior rehab needed some outside rehab needed. ARV - 150KTotal Cash Flow for both Properties (Gross) Monthly 2 450. ARV - 350KThere is a grant of 20 000 from the City of Fayetteville Economic & Community Development to assist in the Rehab of the Properties.Close to Fort Bragg. Unbelievable Investment Opportunity



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