Transcribers and Editors

Transcribers and editors work online setting their own schedule and pace. Work as much or as little as you want on jobs that take from a few seconds to many hours to finish. We tend to keep the transcription jobs small so you can fit them in.Come to the site and view available work.Choose a piece and accept the job.Work away online - or off - as you prefer.Submit the work.Other workers and we will review the work.Your badge scores will go up with good work and you ll get access to higher paying work.Request payment and get paid via PayPal the following Friday.To Become A Member Please visit and click on Join Now and select the Transcription WAH Job Bank Registry to become a member to get connected with this client. Please email us your resume after you register with your qualifications and work history. Please reference agent id code MJOLCONNIE3250 on your registration submission. Please feel free to consult with us if you have further job related questions about our company at 1 405 418 6160.Transcription - 15 - 25 per hour Editors - 10 to 20 per hour



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