Experienced Welders

Experienced Welders Needed We are growing here at In The Ditch Towing Products and we are looking for experienced Production Welders to join our team. We are a manufacturing company located in Mountain Home Idaho. Our products are distributed throughout the world and we are in need of qualified people with a solid understanding of M.I.G. Welding operation and comfortable working in a production setting. If you want to work in a clean organized shop that believes in helping people get what they want this may be the job for you. Job Details Work shift would be from 8 00 am to 5 00 pm Monday through Friday M.I.G. Welding with job rotation to learn different skills Opportunity s to learn our Robotic Welders Fork Lift experience is a plus Plenty of opportunity for advancement Welding Certifications are NOT Required Qualifications Previous MIG Welding Experience is a must You Need be able to lift up to 50lbs Great attitude and desire for self-improvement Experience with Basic Shop Tools Enjoy working in a thriving team atmosphere (we really do mean Team) Why Apply Great Pay Health Insurance Matching IRA Contributions Paid Holidays Paid Vacation Leadership Training Events Held Weekly Company Lunches (Be sure to check out our Crazy Lunch Videos) at www.intheditch.com Incredible opportunities to advance and contribute Great Opportunity to make a difference in our world by working with people that really care. We are a company that truly believes in getting better each and every day. This goes for our Company and the people who work here. Apply Email your resume to HR(at)intheditch.com Must include professional references of previous work history with your resume.(We will not consider any candidates who do not provide past work history and contact numbers.) Call Shonna at 1-208-587-7960 with any further questions about the position. About us Be sure to watch our Video Join Our Team at www.intheditch.com In The Ditch Towing products is a manufacturing company located in Mountain Home Idaho. We are a company that has invented and brought several hundred products to market. At In the Ditch we strive to be a great company built around great people and great products. We believe in having full control of our product line by doing our own engineering marketing production and sales. Don t let our small-town location lead you to believe that we are not a competitive manufacturing company. We have won several awards for our manufacturing abilities including the Idaho Spirit of Continuous Innovation award (2) time winner. We have been featured in dozens of magazines and TV shows for our innovative products and people. Come work at a state-of-the-art facility where we operate Trumpf Lasers Trumpf CNC Press Brakes Hass Turning Centers and Lincoln Robotic Welding Cells. We are also well known for our company antics and company culture (just check out our videos at www.intheditch.com). If you enjoy an outdoor lifestyle and want to work with a company where you can make a difference then this may be the place for you. To find out more about us and see our products check out our websites www.intheditch.com www.inventivehitches.com www.inventiveagproducts.com To find out more about Mountain Home and surrounding areas www.mountain-home.us



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