2008 GMC C5500 Bucket Truck RTR 6043699-01

2008 GMC C5500 Bucket Truck V8 6.6L Diesel Automatic Transmission Utility Body with Center Mounted Versalift SST37NE Lift 350lb Max Strobe Light Odometer Reads 92882 VIN 1GDE5C1918F415838 Unit is being sold As Is Where Is . Offers are welcome Can be inspected by appointment Monday to Friday 9 00am to 3 30pm. Please contact Lee at 800-238-3294 or email leekuske(at)rtrservices.com and reference RTR 6043699-01 All offers including offers at the asking price are subject to review and acceptance by our client. Prices are subject to change without notice. There is a three percent transaction fee on every invoice. For complete description of our Terms of Sale please contact an RTR Sales Representative. Stock RTR Number 6043699-01



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