I am searching for a room in a house or townhome. Must be dog fr

Hello I am a 22 year old female. Part time student with a part time job. I am a laid back person and I pretty much keep to myself but I am not afraid in the slightest to interact I am by no means Martha Stewart clean but I do like to have a clean open area especially in the shared portions of the house. I have a smaller black lab who is about to turn 2 in the fall. A little about him. His name is Thor. He is well trained and gets along great with all animals and people. He is young so he still has energy and will probably bring a tennis ball to you to play with. When I am gone he stays in my room but you are more than welcome to let him out. He is protective of the house he lives in and the people he lives with. You will know when someone gets too close to the house at night. That is the only time you will hear him make any noise. He does shed but I vacuum and sweep regularly. I currently live downtown and My lease ends at the end of May so I am looking to move in as soon as the end of this month I pay all my bills on time and I am not a noisy person. Any questions feel free to text me



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