Ophelia - Female Bengal Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Ophelia A sweet girl that has seen her share of heartbreak at the young age of 2 years old. Ophelia was part of a TNR family of cats when her human caretaker fell ill and passed away. Strangers came to her home trapped her and surrendered her and her cat friend Orson to Animal Control. Thankfully It s All About the Cats bailed both of them out and we are all now hoping to find them a forever home Ophelia has beautiful Bengal-esque markings. She has a charming personality and a overwhelming desire to be with her human friends. She is so very sweet and deserves another chance at a loving home Would you like to meet Ophelia Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.What s included in the adoption fee All cats and kittens in the It s All About the Cats adoption program will be spayed or neutered be current on vaccines (rabies and FVRCP combo vaccines) and be treated for internal and external parasites. ... More Info



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