General and Legal Transcriptionist

This opportunity is for GENERAL LEGAL TRANSCRIPTION it is NOT medical transcription. Our typists transcribe letters and reports for attorneys and companies associated with California Workers Compensation (CA WC) on a daily basis. Weekday weeknight and weekend work is available. You will work from home as independent contractors and for a company that has been providing word processing services to law firms doctors etc. since 1988. We have been an established strong reputation for delivering high quality documents and providing excellent customer service. We seek contractors who strive for the same in all they do.MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 3 years transcription experience Legal experience desired but not essential. However no consideration given to anyone currently working in any capacity for any TASK client Medical transcription experience helpful Ability to transcribe a minimum of 4 or more hours per day 5 days per week Live work inside of the United States HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Personal computer with a Pentium 3 or better processorHigh-speed Internet (cable or DSL dial-up connection not an option)VEC Infinity foot pedal (other brands with a USB port may be compatible with our software audition may be completed without purchasing a foot pedal)To Become A Member Please visit and click on Join Now and select the Transcription WAH Job Bank Registry to become a member to get connected with this client. Please email us your resume after you register with your qualifications and work history. Please reference agent id code MJOLCONNIE3250 on your registration submission.Please feel free to consult with us if you have further job related questions about our company at 1 405 418 6160.Transcription - 15 - 25 per hour



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