4-5 bedroom 2010 pulte home 2150 sqft

CALL ME TO VIEW 505-450-3779 ALFONSO SALAZAR www.nmhometeam.com listing 863814-33-el-camino-loop-nw-rio-rancho-nm-871 44 Office Realty One Of New Mexico This beautiful well maintained Pulte two story home was built in 2010. 4 bedrooms upstairs 2 full bathrooms upstairs and a half bath downstairs an office downstairs can easily be converted to a 5th bedroom 2 Car Garage Loft Large upstairs laundry room Refrigerated air Open floor-plan featuring a fireplace plenty of cabinets and counter space the home sits on one of the largest lots in the community no neighbors behind you landscaped backyard with a covered patio. Large Park in the community. 10 Minutes away from shopping center and hospitals. Oh and the Refrigerator Washer and Dryer stay )



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