Chameleon painted FULLY LOADED goft cart [25 MPH]

Road legal beautiful golf cart.Great golf cart totally redone in 2013 and real low hours of use.It travels up to 26 MPH Must see to believe how awesome it looks Batteries in great shape 1100 Heavy 4-guage welding battery cables ends 250 12 overhead fan 130 Rotary dash fan 150 Boat horn 50 Front and back seat belts 120 Headlight and taillight kit 100 Turn signal kit 60 Sunbrella full coverage track mounted vinyl enclosure 350 Tinted fold down windshield 100 Lift kit stabilizer bar 600 Mag wheels tires in great shape 500 Rea flip-flop seat with diamond plate cargo side 369 New high speed motor 500 High-output forward and reverse switch (new) 169 High-performance controller 440 High-speed gear set kit 425 Front and rear seat coverage roof 240 Roof mounted low power draw LED strobe light 70 Waterproof marine AM FM CD Player with waterproof speakers 360 Custom chameleon paint job 1200 Over 7000 in add-ons base cart cost Asking 5200 but will take reasonable offers.Call Bob (at) 912-222-6222



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