Now hiring remote contractor & employees for PT and FT positions Mommy Jobs Online would like for you to become a registered member to access our pre-screened legitimate work at home job resources to find your next career working at home JOIN NOW TO RECEIVE YOUR LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP and click on JOIN NOW (Please click on the link & scroll down to select your job bank category membership)Please reference agent id code MJOLCONNIE3250 on your registration submission. Work At Home Job Bank Registry AccessClericalProofreadingWritingEditingVirtu al AssistantData EntryTranscription - Medical Legal & GeneralMedical CodingVirtual RecruitingOnline TeachersProfessional Degree JobsInbound Customer Service What s included in our Mommy Jobs Online Job Bank Contractor lifetime membership registration to our work-at-home single job bank access is a 85.00 one-time activation.You can also gain access to all 6 work-at-home job banks for 210.00 one-time activation if you have skills in more then 1 area that we list.You will receive clients contact information job description and have the ability to apply directly to work at home job positions. You will be able to test interview and start working at home with the desired client that hires you.You will increase your chances 100% in finding a work-at-home job usually within 1 to 2 weeks once you begin to apply to client position openings.We have a great support system with our HR recruiters that are always available to help you with your job search.Recent graduates from a MT program or experienced transcriptionists is gladly accepted to join.You will receive MJOL work at home weekly job updates of new positions.Mommy Jobs Online will help you get connected to hundreds of pre-screened remote job positions by using our job bank resources. We provide hourly paying work-at-home job positions (some include benefits and some do not if you are hired as a 1099 contractor). Compensation will vary depending on the job position. Starting pay rates from 10 to 60 hour.For medical coders you must have a coding credential of a CPC CPC-H RHIT RHIA CCS with 3 yrs. experience.If you have further questions then please feel free to call us anytime between 10 00 AM - 6 30 PM CST Monday - Friday and ask for Kim in HR to assist you with your work at home job search and learn how to become a registered member. Contractor & Employee Status PT or FT Positions Contractor Job Line 1 (405) 418 - 6160



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