Medical Transcriptionist - Multi-specialty

Recent MT graduates are welcome to apply. This is an immediate fill for the right person to work remotely. We are located in Edmond OK and we are seeking an additional 9 remote transcribers to join our team. You must be able to transcribe surgery operative reports cardiology radiology pathology acute care with a 99% to 100% accuracy rate. You will be given a short transcription test after we review your resume. This is a flexible 1099 independent contractor FT or PT position with a 24 hour turn around time window. Must have the following Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate (Home Basic does not work). Microsoft Office 2007 2010 or 2013 (365 is not compatible). Live in the United States. Able to work some weekends. We pay .09 cpl directly deposited every other Friday to your account or a check will be mailed. To Apply Please visit and click on Join Now and select the transcription job bank registry to become a remote agent. Please email us your resume with your qualifications and work history to us. Attn Your Name - Multi-specialty MT Please reference agent id code MJOLCONNIE3250 on your registration submission. Office 1 405 418 6160 No attachments please. Please note that due to high volumes of responses we are not able to respond to resumes without the mandatory requirements listed above Transcription - 15 - 25 per hour



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