First off.. These wheels are not for everyone.. They Need Refinishing.. These rims are from the 70s They need to be blasted and re-chromed or painted They have surface rust on the metal outer parts and the chrome is mostly peeled off the inner aluminum parts. So they need to be blasted or dipped in acid at the least. These would be a perfect addition to a rat rod or old style hot rod truck or custom van. These are pretty rare american racing 200s cp200 daisy or coke bottle mags. These are the 2nd gen 2 piece design with the aluminum centers and the steel outers same design as cragar ss mags. This is a whole set 2) 15x7s 2) 15x10s They are unilug which means they fit Chevy 5 lug pickup Ford 5 lug pickup and some Dodge pickups and full size vans. Which is rare to find these in big 5 lug truck pattern. These Will Not fit chevy ford dodge cars. These are hard to find wheels in any condition Ive had these for years saving them for the perfect rod. You can still buy this style of rim from AR for 300- 400 Per Wheel depending on the size. Will let this set go for 400 Firm. Email me your Name and Phone Number if your interested and I will Call Thanks.



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