Selling my 2012 CHEVROLET VOLT Electric Excellent Car in a excellent shape Moving sale. I ve got it a little over year ago with 9k mls. I ve drove on this car about 22K miles and car used only 110 gls of gas including one long trip to Florida. That makes the range gas ratio is 210 mls gl. If you drive locally the gas would be twice less. Charging car doesn t cost much at all. Depending on your rates on electricity is about 1.50 per charge. If you have night rates would cost you nothing I got ( 900) X-tra 220V charger I got last year and it comes with a car at this price. With 220V charger it takes about 3 1 2 hr to charge and with a standard charger about 8 1 2 s beta.carmax.com cars chevrolet volt 2012 13170183



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