Vizsla puppies

Beautiful AKC Vizsla puppies for sale excellent pointers and all around companion Our girl had 12 puppies in all 7 females and 5 males Dew claws are removed and tails docked to AKC standard. First vaccinations deworming and well check will be done before they go to their forever home. They will be ready at 8 weeks which will be the end of May 2019 Sire Boomer Cowboy Lockwood is his registered name. He s actually a descendent of Vadaszfai Kontar Aszu who is one of few Vizslas to win the Champions of Champions title. So some really talented champion genetics in there. He s also just as sweet natured as our Jewel very strong and always very ready to go for anything a bundle of energy I m not sure if our girl Jewel has any champion blood lines we were looking for a dog for my son to have as a companion so were more concerned with personality and energy. She is AKC registered of course and I d be more than happy to ask the breeder about her background that goes beyond what shows on her AKC paperwork. She has however shown really amazing natural instinct in the hunting department. I really wish we had taken the time to field train her as I think she would have been a total natural but that is just my guess of course More importantly she is the most loving dog I have ever had the priveledge of sharing my life with. If she could climb into our skin to be closer to us she probably would. Everyone who comes to visit gets a hug from her literally (if they let her she will sit in front of you with her imploring eyes asking for permission to climb aboard your lap then she will proceed to nuzzle your neck even if you re a stranger). But of course we are still her favorites I m an avid walker so she is my walking partner Loves it more than anything and is always ready to go. When she sees me putting on my running shoes she heads straight to the door and gets very excited. We kept two boys from her last litter and they are just like her in the loving and exercise department. In fact I walk all three of them together quite often on a leash as our park requires the leash and they do really well. I did spend a little time when they were young though teaching them to heel. They do need to be taught the basics when they are young or the energy level in this breed could be overwhelming. But with even just a little training it s amazing how great they are.Jewel was a 50 pound dog before pregnancy so right in the middle range for females. Boomer is about 65 pounds and both of them are solid muscle. They have no undercoat but do shed. The hairs are so small though that they vacuum easily and mostly brush off my clothes. I have a robot vacuum so don t notice hair on the floors only on the couch where they lounge with me. My couches are pleather so the hair just wipes right off. They are indoor dogs though in cold regions due to the lack of undercoat. They are also very clean even lick themselves like a cat and have little to no odor which was important to me as my sense of smell is very sensitive. We have tics on our property in the spring and the Vizsla s short coat makes it super easy to do a quick tic check before they come back into the house. To be on the safe side I give my dogs flea and tic medicine chews from the vet once a month during that season as Jewel sleeps with my son at night and I don t want anything transferring to him Please let me know if you have any other questions and I ll do my best to answer. There are pictures of Jewel and Boomer on the website listing 257696. Let me know if you d like on the list for a puppy and what sex you would like. Also you are welcome to come visit the pups after the 5 week mark which is around April 28. You can meet Jewel and two of her sons from the last litter. Boomer lives in Walla Walla as we don t own him.I will be screening potential puppy buyers just to try to ensure the puppies are going to a safe and loving home so don t be surprised if I ask you some questions too Spring and summer are the perfect time for starting out a puppy



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