Hotel Assistant manager

The Assistant General Manager is responsible for managing all areas of the hotel including staff and directly supporting the Sales effort. Responsible for achieving the overall operation performance standards of the Hotel in areas including a strong focus on guest satisfaction occupancy cleanliness and sanitation. Will assist General Manager in developing annual budget capital plans as well as the marketing plan. Experienced candidates will hire train manage and motivate associates to ensure the property achieves budgeted goals maintains brand and internal quality financial standards and provides top-notch customer service. Manage the daily operations of the front desk and other departments as assigned by the general manager. Assist General Manager with the day to day operations of the hotel and insure all programs are in place. Ability to implement company policies and procedures that will meet or exceed owner and management expectations. Ability to direct oversee multiple tasks simultaneously. Ability to oversee the security function to ensure a safe & secure environment for guests associates and hotel assets. Requires good communications skills to relate to guests and employees. Requires ability to train employees to perform effectively. Requires the ability to give attention to detail. We will provide the work placement work permit (Visa) with our Corporate clients. If you are interested by a position in Hospitality area please send us a resume thru email.



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