1999 Sterling 10 Wheeler Dump Truck

99 sterling dump truck in excellent working condition. Tires 80% 60 000gvw 8ll speed eaton fuller trans. diff lock 186 000 miles 330CAT. truck always serviced on time.very dependable selling because I got a newer truck for my fleet. this has a 2way opening tailgate with 3 shuts on back electric canvas new clutch all new filters air horn stereo good heat etc. this truck has never plowed. the body was just redone last spring and painted...any questions please feel free to call 7817605494 THIS TRUCK IS WORTH IT IT RUNS LIKE A CHARM ALL BREAKS REDONE THIS TRUCK IS READY FOR WORK - See more at www.heavyequipmentregistry.com heavy-equipment 16510.htm sthash.akQKG6Pc.dpuf



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