German and Spanish Online Tutor

My name is Carolina Oyhenart. I was born in Montevideo Uruguay. I have been tutoring for the past eight years in Orlando Florida. I grew up in Uruguay and came to the USA after I met my husband. Having a German family meant I was surrounded by both languages (Spanish and German) becoming fluent in both. I earned my Deutsches Sprachdiplom in high school and also lived in Germany for two years. Tutoring is my passion. Learning languages can be challenging but I try to adjust my lesson plan according to my student s need. Through my years of tutoring I had students telling me how they were so excited that they were able to use what they learned from me. I do set goals for students and try to lead them with positive encouragement. Each student has their own pace of learning Spanish or German. In my lesson I use books and CDs. I give homework since I firmly believe students need to review what they learn and hopefully it will lead them to ask more questions. I also provide review sheets depending on the student s skills. I hope to see you soon



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