Industrial Hoses in NJ

Are you searching for industrial hoses in NJ The Hose Shop is a New Jersey-based company that distributes hoses world-wide. Our 101 000 sq ft facility is fully stocked with many different types of hoses for industrial commercial or residential uses. Our staff has the experience and skills to mend or fabricate the hoses to suit your specific needs.Our industrial hose inventory consists of a wide range of products that ensure our customers get the right hose for the intended application. Whether they are for steam chemical acid suction material handling or silicone application we have them available at The Hose Shop. The Hose Shop has nearly 30 years of experience in supplying hoses for railroads mass transit and airports. We can supply any hose or hose services that you require. If you would like more information on fabrications and repairs for industrial hoses call us at 732-562-1000.



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