Clyde - Male Pit Bull Terrier Mix

At 6 53am on Sunday we (Pit Crew) received an email about 2 Pits running loose in North Sac. One had a broken leg and desperately needed medical attention. After a few calls and texts we had 10-15 people from PCS (Pit Crew Sac) and NBBR (Norcal Bully Breed Rescue) out in the middle of nowhere in 100 degree weather with kennels traps snares catchpoles and their sneakers on ready to help catch these stray Pit Bulls in need of medical attention. To our surprise there were 3 stray Pit Bulls not two The little black and white female appeared to be limping or had a severe pelvis injury that had healed on its own rendering her unable to walk run normally (her hips just DID NOT seem right) she was also either pregnant OR just had a litter. Then there was a big blue-nose intact male with severe lacerationsall over him. His lip appeared to be torn and hanging off of his face and severely infected. He had puncture wounds all up and down his arms around his ears on his chest and stomach. Both dogs were emaciated and in REALLY bad shape. The second male was a handsome fawn brindle boy with the broken leg we had been contacted about. His front paw appeared to be snapped in half and just dangling there yet he still ran on it in fear of everything going on around him After about an hour and a half of very slow movements and slowly approaching them with food treats and water we were able to hand feed the large blue boy and the female. The female was much more skittish but with some patience and an eye for the right timing we were able to gently slip a lead over blue-boys head before he began whaling about and alligator rolling to break himself free He soon gave in and we were able to load him safely into a crate and take him to the vet. He smelledtreacherous no doubt to the numerous infections all over his body. He was drooling blood and when we got closer we could see that the puncture wounds were everywhere and he had to have been in so much pain. Still this boy was all love to us and just wanted to lie his head in our laps....and give us all wet sloppy bloody kisses. Pit Crew headed to MarQueen Animal Clinic - Pet Emergency and Specialty while the rest of the team and Norcal stayed behind to keep trying with the other two. By the time we dropped blue off and head back (we knew he would stay hospitalized due to the severity of his injuries) the others still had not caught the female and the brindle boy was nowhere in sight Just to be clear this area was huge and a dumping ground for unwanted dogs dead dogs puppies you name it We came across 3 dead dog carcasses in our search and contacted Animal Control (Front Street Animal Shelter - City of Sacramento) to peruse an animal cruelty investigation. Not only werethese dogs dumped and dead their legs were bound together. That s right. Someone took the time to tie their paws together and dump these innocent dogs off in the empty fields to die. And that is exactly what happened. These dogs suffered in this heat until they could suffer no more....sweet angels. We are so sorry this was your destiny. You didn t deserve this. We paid our respects had their remains removed and got the boost we needed to catch these babies and get them to safety We were on a mission about 15 people deep on foot running the fields into people s yards (with permission of course) half a dozen cars circling the areas and there she was We cornered her using ply wood we found and existing barriers and she ran right through our trap and into Crystal s snare She snapped the snare s handle in half and kept going she flew through the rest of us with the snare around her abdomen at risk of further injuring her We couldn t allowthat to happen. At this point we had lost her... about an hour later (it s now 7pm) she came right back to where it all started and the chase ensued yet again. We were able to corner her a second time but this time she had accepted defeat. She stayed very still and paralyzed with fear. We pulled her to safety and into a crate where she was laid in sheer shock. I mean not so much a blink on the ride to the vet s office Both dogs were seen by the vet and earned us a hefty vet bill (which isn t the last of it since we still need to catch the brindle boy and with the broken leg.....Crystal from NBBR was out there until midnight with the trap setup and on lookout. She is more determined than us all to get this boy to safety. And with that she plans to keep at it until we catch him We are privileged to help these dogs. They are two of the most AMAZING dogs we have ever met. Bonnie who was paralyzed with fear when caught after a 10 hour chase is coming out of her shell and showing us just who she truly is. She is a soft loving angel on earth and we cannot imagine how she survived living in a field with a broken pelvis and a litter of babies for OVER A YEAR. We have earned her trust and she wants nothing more than to be hugged kissed and doted on. We absolutely LOVE this girl. She inspires us to be better people and we learn from her every single day ..If only we got to her sooner... If only someone in that area made one measly phone call to a rescue If only .if only if only.The past is just that. We are moving upward and onward with Bonnie s health safety and happiness as our top priority She has forgiven our human race for dumping her after we were done selling her puppies. She has forgiven our human race for turning a blind eye when we saw her starving to death in the fields without so much as a thought .She has forgiven us all true to our beloved Pit Bull nature and now it is our turn to make things right.Bonnie is in desperate need of medical attention. She has a broken pelvis hip that appears to have healed incorrectly and needs to be examined further to decipher its current state and the possible necessary procedures. She has been forced to have litter after litter of puppies for our human races selfish gain and she needs to be spayed and have additional blood work to make sure there is no further damage or cause for concerns. She will break your heart when she walks over to you with her head damn-near to the ground all while avoiding eye contact absolutely terrified of the world and the cruel people who have done this to her just desperate for something more anything. The moment you greet her she leans in plants the most subtle kiss on your lips and ever so slightly wags her tail. Bonnie is an amazing soul and we want to make sure that soul doesn t leave this earth without experiencing the life and love she has only dreamt about. PLEASE open your hearts and your hands and help us see to it that Bonnie gets that chance. We can only do so much but with your help she can get all the medical care she needs a lucky family can add her to their home where she will prove to them every single day that miracles do happen ..Please help Pit Crew protect Bonnie s future and her destiny for a miracle.Her partner is crime and field companion Casanova Clyde is a gentle giant with a heart of gold. It is ironic really this dog is by far the most affectionate adoring gentle Pit Bull we have ever met though this heart of gold has been diagnosed with a Stage 5 Heart Murmur. Clyde is a goofy mellow sweetheart who is perfectly happy sitting in your lap despite the puncture wounds up and down all his arms oozing with blood and puss despite the gashes across his face and head so deep you can see right inside of them despite his infected dangling lip with a hole in it the size of a quarter ..We cannot bear to think how he must have felt when someone who was supposed to care for him used him for breeding drove him out to a remote area near the train tracks in Del Paso Heights and left him for dead amongst the numerous decaying dog carcasses in 108 degree heat. Clyde was all bones and all kisses from day one that s right .just a skeleton of a shell who still loved up on everyone he came into contact with. It is all we can do to stop ourselves from crying when he gives us the love and attention that HE so desperately has always desired.How are these dogs so loving still Don t they realize that our race did this to them It s funny to think that as humans we have ONE bad experience with a dog just ONCE in our entire lives and we are scared forever NEVER to trust another again. And society is completely accepting of this Yet these wonderful creatures that have have been beaten neglected abused and left for dead by US and still ..they climb into our laps and kiss the tears pouring down our cheeks to console our pain. OUR PAIN Yet if a pit bull that was abused were to show any sort of hesitation fear or defensiveness in ANY form they would be considered a threat and killed without so much as a thought.These are the times that make us ashamed to be human. But with every shameful act there is solace in knowing that there are people out there who have never met Bonnie or Clyde never had a dog in their life never pet a Pit Bull and STILL contribute to their safekeeping and healthcare. It is stories like this that really show you who people are .bad and good alike. PLEASE make a donation to the care of these amazing dogs. PLEASE share their story. PLEASE help us see to it that our human race makes it right .we are counting on you .we owe it to ourselves and most importantly we owe it to our race.Every penny counts please help us with Bonnie & Clyde s miracle. They ALREADY love you either way .We are not even half way to our goal and these sweet souls need medical attention Thank you to those who have donated If you are able to do even 5 or 10 please take a few minutes and do so We understand not everyone can financially help so if that s the case please share this link with your friends and ask they share as well Lets get these pups fixed up and off to the forever homes they desperately deserve Please show your support by clicking this link -XX -.--XX.- wh3tc5ps... More Info



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