Riverfront Home for Sale

Rarely Available River Front Home in Pendleton Oregon Craftsman style home with 3 bedrooms 2 baths 2 192 square feet updated and in great condition in an excellent location. A city park with playground at the front of the home the back of the home is safely out of floodplain yet nestled along the banks of and overlooking the Umatilla River. Owned by one family since 1977. Full-basement no garage single car parking with additional on street parking. A very limited number of homes are along the river in Pendleton and they are not frequently available. Walkable location to schools the Pendleton Round-up grounds a historic downtown with restaurants and shopping yet offering a sense of seclusion right in town. Steelhead and salmon run the river there s access to the river and fishing from the backyard. View wildlife including deer beaver and many species of birds Pendleton is the modern Old West home of the world famous Pendleton Round-up and Pendleton Woolen Mills and is surrounded by the wine country areas of Walla Walla the Tri-Cities Yakima and the Columbia Basin. This is a unique opportunity for someone looking to enjoy the Umatilla River from their backyard while living in town. This home will be on the market in April. Offers currently being accepted beginning at 175 000. Only verifiable offers accepted. Owner will not finance. Call for appointment 202 729-0230.



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