Class A Driver &ndash Home Weekly

We are looking for Professional Class A Driver for our expanding fleet of newer Tractors. We offer some of the highest pay in the industry. Earn 39 CPM on all miles plus 10 CPM for all loads delivering to Richmond VA and North. We have a full benefits package to include Medical Dental and Vision Package. Drivers are home weekly. Pay Benefits 39 CPM (49 CPM for all miles on loads delivering to Richmond VA and North) 2500 miles per week 6 paid Holidays Multi Stop pay 35 Detention Pay 12 p hr Guaranteed Pay (Drivers are guaranteed 1500 miles due to weather or holidays) NYC Pay 125 on top of load pay Vacation Pay 1 Week after the first year of service Full Health Insurance 401 K Retirement Plan Roadside Inspection Awards Qualifications Must be 21 years of age 1 year Class A Experience in past 3 years Stable work history No DWI or DUI in the past 8 years No Reckless Driving in past 8 Years No more than 3 moving Violation in last 3 years No accidents in past 3 Years Contact Melissa or Ron in recruiting to discuss this position 888-835-4146 or Text 719-225-1003 or apply online at Mini app -s m classajobs411 r freetrucking Full App -s c classajobs411 r freetrucking



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