Bastille Café and Bar Rooftop Dinner Series 2016

Beginning Monday June 6 Bastille is hosting a twice weekly Rooftop Dinner on our rooftop communal table with sweeping views of the Olympic Mountains and beyond. The dinners will be multi-course and dishes will highlight much of the rooftop produce. Dinner is held under a cabana with curtains that can be left open or closed as weather dictates. The family-style meals will highlight ingredients harvested right from our garden. These intimate dinners are limited to ten guests. Cost is 165 person tax and includes dinner and wine paired by Bastille s sommelier team plus a rooftop cocktail and garden tour at 5 45pm. Dinner will begin at 6 30pm. Gratuity is included in the ticket price. Dates for Monday Rooftop Dinners are June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 July 11 July 18 July 25 August 1 August 8 August 15 August 22 August 29 September 12 September 19....



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