Industrial Painter

Idaho Wrecker Sales the world s leading builder of custom tow trucks and luxury motor coaches is growing and we want you to join our Team We re looking to fill new positions and expand our staff. If you dream of working in an environment where your ideas can be turned into a reality this may be the place for you. Our products have been featured in numerous trade magazines and won a variety of top industry awards. Our Paint Department is known throughout the country for its award winning designs and graphic imagery. We are currently seeking an Industrial Painter and Body Shop Leader. Applicant should be familiar and experienced with Industrial painting and body shop work HVLP spray gun experience and use of industrial paint tools Understanding of automotive finishes Paint manufacturer s certifications Minimum of 5 years painting experience Team members of Idaho Wrecker Sales are offered Full-time employment competitive pay health insurance matching IRA contributions generous holiday and vacation plans and a clear path to advancement and success via a robust cross-training program. We also have a dedicated commuter van from Boise that makes travel to and from work convenient and cost effective. If that s not enough we also really know how to party with catered monthly luncheons and onsite activities like four-way tug-of-war pinewood derby competitions and dodgeball dodgeball DODGEBALL Be sure to check out our videos on our website or follow us on Facebook to learn more about us. How to Apply Email your resume to hr(at) Include a minimum of 3 professional references along with their contact numbers (WE WILL NOT CONSIDER ANY CANDIDATES WHO DO NOT PROVIDE THESE REFERENCES) Email HR at hr(at) with further questions or inquiries regarding this opportunity or to learn more visit our website at



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