Copy of Newport County AFC vs Notts County (2 TIME CREDITS PER A

Newport County AFC vs Notts County (2 TIME CREDITS PER ATTENDEE) MAX two TICKETS PER PERSON PER ORDER Tickets will be allocated on a 1st come 1st served basis. Tickets to be collected BEFORE 12PM ON MATCH DAY from the ticket office. On match day please bring your Eventbrite confirmation email and two TIME CREDITS FOR EACH ATTENDEE. Anyone under sixteen must be accompanied by an adult (additional ticket required). IF YOU DO NOT COLLECT ANY TICKETS RESERVED IN YOUR NAME YOU RISK BEING BLACKLISTED. FAQs Please state if disabled access is required. Where can I contact the organiser with any questions You can contact Ben Cook at Spice via email at -X(at) Can I update my registration details Yes. Please email us your updated contact info and we ll amend them on our database...



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