Entry level- Shipping-ReceivingA ssociate

Entry level- Shipping-Receiving Associate Eastern Lighting is seeking a part time or full time associate for our shipping department. We are looking for someone who is detail oriented and not afraid to take on responsibilities. Organization skills and good with hands a plus. Job description Responsible for daily packing and shipping orders Counting Inventory Incoming and outgoing shipments Organize warehouse and assembly room Assemble and repair defective products Organization skills and good with hands a plus. Other duties as directed Qualifications High School diploma or equivalency Ability to work effectively without direct supervision Professional attitude take Initiative Be able to lift and move up to 30lbs Prior experience in shipping Soldering is preferred but not required Pay will be commensurate with experience and ability up to 13 All Applicants must have a valid driver s license reliable vehicle clean criminal history and be able to pass a drug screen. Qualified candidates should email resume to Tonya Dedeaux at tonyad(at)easternlighting.com



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