Part-time Merchandiser -Oklahoma City OK

MCG Merchandisers showcase brands and products on the retail selling floor to increase sales for our clients. Our merchandisers keep store fixtures filled and organized visual displays looking great and regularly engage with customers. Responsibilities Build & maintain a professional relationship with store management & personnel Replenish stock & organize displays according to merchandising guidelines set forth by client & store specifications Engage & assist customers Attend all training seminars Develop creative ways to merchandise sell the client s products Communicate effectively with MCG management Requirements Merchandising experience is a must retail apparel experience preferred. Must adhere to all dress code & store sign in policies Ability to read & follow detailed directives Excellent written and verbal communication skills Computer high-speed internet access printer & email Digital photo capabilities Same day reporting & photo submission via our online reporting system Some weekday flexibility. Occasional evening & weekend work may also be required Reliable Transportation Must pass Background Check APPLY TODAY AT Please visit our website to complete our online application. jobs Enter Keywords Job ID 2016-4099 With MCG you can expect great pay incentives and advancement opportunities.



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