IFT-A Spring Meeting at the Nebraska Innovation Campus

The Aksarben Section will hold our Spring Meeting on April 12th at the Nebraska Innovation Campus in Lincoln NE. The meeting will consist of a tour of the new Food Innovation Center facilities (optional) and a social hour. Heavy finger foods appetizers will be available thoughout the evening with a cash bar (no credit accepted). We will move into the speaking portion once the tours have ended and everyone has had a chance to mingle and grab food. Most of the night s activities will be held in the Food Innovation Center on the NIC. Please park in LOT A located to the North and West of the FIC. The social appetizers and speaking event will all take place in Room 111 which is the Training Room Innovation Space within the FIC. Depending on whether or not you wish to go on the tour please select the corresponding ticket so that we can have a better idea of how many to expect. This Spring we are excited to have 3 speakers....



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