How Can Physiotherapy Help with Tendinitis

To diagnose tendinitis the physiotherapist will ask questions about your past health your symptoms and exercise regime. Then they will do a physical examination to confirm the diagnosis. Probing and movement may cause pain but it is important to know exactly where it hurts. The physiotherapist may use a mixture of techniques to relieve pain and boost coordination strength and flexibility. They may also treat the injury with Activity Modification- is always the first line of treatment and that is altering or changing the activity that is leading to the tendon disorder. This is the most basic form of treatment. Modalities- ice heat electrical stimulation and ultrasound. Taping or splints- can also be used to decrease pain through providing support or decreasing the load on the tendon. Manual Therapy-hands on treatment to change the movement of a joint and the surrounding tissue (muscle ligament tendon connective tissue). This includes joint manipulation joint mobilization soft tissue mobilization and tool mediated soft tissue mobilization. Dry Needling- can reduce muscle tightness around the involved tendons. Exercise- is the most important part of treating a tendon disorder to help heal and regain its strength. An exercise plan will be sent to do at home. Along with the work you do at your therapy appointments they will help you heal faster and safer. If the symptoms are severe or you do not improve with early treatment specific diagnostic tests may be requested such as an ultrasound scan or MRI. Education is also an important part of tendonitis treatment in order to correct body mechanics form and posture to help reduce the strain on a tendon is under stress from daily or repetitive activities.If you are in need of physiotherapy in East Gwillimbury then please contact Ultimate Health Clinic at (905) 251-0162 to let us help you.



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