REDUCED PRICE-Complete Indoor Hydroponic Grow System

1800.00 or BEST OFFER Must Sell Equipment Everything is in perfect working order and in great condition. The system requires 220 electrical. Buyer would be responsible for pick up and to bring boxes and packing for transport. Cash only . Best offer considered within reason. System includes 4 HydroFarm Light (Reflectors)- 8 inch double ended air cooling 4-1000 watt bulbs Straps for hanging lights-Pro Grip Adjustable 2- Harvest Pro Elite 1000 watt SW Ballasts-High Pressure Sodium or Metal Halide options 2-Harvest Pro Elite 1000 watt HPS Ballasts 4-HydroFarm timers for lights and water supply Reservoir-100 gallons Tubing for reservoir water supply 2-reservoir pumps Water heater for reservoir 2-water circulators for reservoir Oxygen supplier for reservoir Master lighting controller Can Fan Filter with Flange-Approx 40 inches tall and approx. 18 inch diameter 1-8 inch Vortex in line exhaust fan for Can Fan Filter 2- 6 inch HydroFarm in line exhaust fans for light venting 2- Flood trays 4ft x 8 ft 3 Eco Plus Wall Mount Fans Digital Thermometer-Temp and humidity 8 inch air ducting Approx. 60-1 gallon size planters Approx. 35-quart size planters 1-6 tier mesh hanging curing rack



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