Bronze Dresser with Mirror from King s Palace

This bronze dresser with its oval mirror was one of ex-King Farouk s rare beautiful antique palace furnishings. It was designed to correlate with the dresser we already listed. This dresser is also in excellent condition. However the French marble on this dresser top shows cracks along the brown and butterscotch colored veins. The cabinet is divided into 3 sections and a door opens into each section. This dresser like the other has sculptured statue figures of Athena being born fully dressed and grown she is born from the head of Zeus or Apollo. There are also bronze statuettes of knights in full armor and there are rampant lion figures symbolizing King Farouk as King. The bronze work of both cabinets is of the finest quality and the bronze doors and latches work smoothly and quietly. Please email any questions. We offer 90 day lay-away and escrow through our attorney. We will respectfully consider buyers Best Offers. Our attorney and banker will assist with the sale contracts and closing of sale and guwe will provide free delivery to buyer s home or office with high-end delivery company.



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