Regional Position--- Get home for the weekend

We have regional positions available. Will be out 5-7 days with 3 out of 4 weekends a month home time. You may contact me by email text or phone any time of the day or weekend to learn more about these positions and to do an application over the phone. Must be able to meet these requirements Must be at least 22 years old Must have 9 months OTR experience in the last year. Must be consecutive and cannot have ended more than 30 days ago. No more than 3 moving violations in the past 3 years. No more than 3 NON DOT incidents in the last 3 years. No more than 5 jobs in the last 3 years. Job Details Type of Freight Dry Van 10 Speed transmission 95% No touch 2000-2200 average miles per week 5-7 days out- 3 out of 4 weekends a month home. Aric Riley (501)313-0708 (you may call or text whichever is easier for you) (visit our website and use the apply now button to speed up the process and a recruiter will get in touch with you.)



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