Do you need personal Tech Support or CoachingTutoring (Boston Ca

Personal Tech Consulting Are you a home user or a small business owner with a problem with your computer(s) Will it no longer boot Did the hard drive crash Has a software upgrade gone haywire Perhaps you have a computer virus you can t get rid of If you have any of those problems or any other issues with your machines then Personal IT Consulting can help you. For 35 an hour I ll work to solve whatever problem you may be having and if I can t fix it then you don t pay I can repair both Macs running any version of Mac OS X (and Mac OS 9) and PCs running any version of Microsoft Windows. In addition to solving fixing problems I can also help you setup new equipment get you running on your new ISP such as cable modem or DSL network the computers in your house together to share the same printer..etc. If you own a smartphone such as Windows Mobile phones a Palm Treo Nokia Symbian device RIM Blackberry or Apple iPhone I can help you get setup with those devices too in regards to getting your email to work on them synching them with your desktop laptop computer and getting music on them if they have that feature. Services Include but not Limited to 1. Internet Access Setup (Cable DSL...etc) 2. Virus Removal and Anti-Virus Installation 3. Hardware upgrades 4. Computer purchasing assistance 5. System Backup installation and setup 6. Personal computer training 7. Spyware Removal and Anti-Spyware Installation 8. Uninterruptible Power Supply Installation and Setup 9. eBay auction assistance for selling old computers or anything you want to sell. 10. Smartphone setup and syncing with desktop laptop computers. 11. Help you organize your digital photo collection I m available everyday between the hours of 9AM-9PM seven days a week and depending on the day some nights until 10PM as well. To arrange an appointment please call Troy at 617-733-6141. Please tell me where you saw this ad Website



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