1971 Chevy Chevelle

Hi everyone I need to sell my 71 Chevelle.She has the following Original dash Aftermarket Digital guages Original bench backseat A little over 43 100 miles 5.3 Engine 4L60e trans New front tires and lightly used back tires with aftermarket rims Brand new stereo with apple car play and Android auto capabilitiesShe also has shaved door handles with the driver door equipped with a popper I have the hardware for the passenger door popper.I have 1 key fob and 1 KeyShe has been set up for push button start also.condition good cylinders 8 cylinders drive rwd fuel gas odometer 43000 paint color black size full-size title status clean transmission automaticThere are no rust spots has a single stage of Black Starburst Pearl paint from summit that was applied May 2018This has been a project car and she is almost fully restored I got the driver light cover after she had been painted.There is a spare tire in trunk.I am the second owner.I am a non Smoker and there have been no pets inside.There is no passenger seat however I have the passenger seatbelt Oil was changed 2 weeks agoThe way she sits now she currently needs Original gear shifterAir conditioning ( Heater works )Front passenger seat and a tune upI m asking 11 000 or best offer



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